Society teaches the younger generations to expect their parents/garudiauns to "accept them" no matter what version of themselves they present. Most parents foolishly fall in line. Others do no such thing. Positive Self Identity probably the most undervalued investment asset among Black Americans despite being the least expensive to get in on. And if being hopelessly stubborn on that point make one a "bad guy" - so be it. The situation is completely out of hand.

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I think it's totally possible to love a child while not condoning behavior that is harmful. Some people can not tell the difference

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"Thanks" for sharing. Unfortunate that you had to experience that. I use quotes because you were invaded, yet still shared the uncomfortable experience, which is important and you've correctly used this as a teaching/learning opportunity. Sadly, the proverbial horse is out of the barn when it comes to White people — in this case male — thinking they have wanton access to Black people, particularly females who wear their hair natural and are dark skin. Regrettably, Jodie Turner-Smith and now Lupita N'yongo have made this once forbidden public lusting now mainstream. For clarity, Turner-Smith was quite public in her marriage to the White actor Joshua Jackson. They recently divorced, but now N'yongo appears to be in a very public romantic relationship with him. As you've keenly pointed out in your writings these behaviors of Hollywood are plastered on the screen for all to see as some sort of role model or the grass is greener fallacy, yet we never see the Black couples in such public displays of affection. Those of us who over-stand this have to continue to speak on it, and intentionally love each other. Appreciate you!

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Good morning Chez! This is a very good read. That's quite an interesting experience that you shared. So this gentleman from off the street came up to you and actually tried to proposition you? Not that it matters, but I have been propositioned at least twice in my life and for the life of me, and just like you, I couldn't figure out why!? God bless you young lady and your home and family. Happily sharing your newsletter here for today!

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